5 Cool Tech Gadgets Your Employees Will Love

Photo credit (Image Credit: Dreamstime)
By Audacy

We've reached a point where technology is regularly part of our lives. Even if you want to go off the grid, it has become exceedingly difficult to do. Technology really is for the best as many new developments allow employees to be more efficient. New gadgets are always being developed to facilitate work in the office, and as a result, employees and managers are always on the lookout for the latest gadget to make office life easier. Here are some gadgets your employees will love, mostly because they make office life a little easier.


Beam Smart Projector

When you hear about a projector that fits into a light socket, it's probably hard to imagine. It kind of sounds like something out of a spy movie. That is exactly what Beam Labs has produced, and it would be an amazing addition to any office. After all, projectors are necessary for meetings and planning sessions. This one is great because it takes up almost no space. Just plug it into any light socket and it projects onto any flat screen, which means it can be used anywhere. This will definitely make things easier for your and your employees no matter where your meeting is.


ChargeTech Portable Power Outlet

Finding sufficient power outlets is always a tricky proposition, especially in a meeting where multiple attendees bring laptops or tablets. This portable power outlet from ChargeTech allows you to charge multiple devices simultaneously. That in itself makes it a gadget worth having. However, this outlet is also compact and lightweight, which makes it ideal for your employees who often travel.


Prynt iPhone Case

Everyone has a camera on their phone, but those photos often only exist digitally. This gadget from Prynt allows you to print photos right from your iPhone, which is something that people in a lot of businesses can use. Whether you need a photo for marketing purposes or troubleshooting, this allows you to share hard copies of images instantly. Even better is the fact that this printer prints without ink, so you can print photos anywhere without having to worry about expensive ink cartridges.


Satellite Communicator

At first glance, this product from Garmin seems designed for the adventurer. With its GPS navigation and SOS function, it certainly would come in handy for someone who is hiking or camping in some remote location. However, it also comes in handy for employees who often travel. Since it is a satellite communicator, it allows people to connect without having to worry about the strength of an internet connection or the time difference between users.  


Sticky-Note Printer

The story of sticky notes is well-known. It was basically a failed idea that became a huge product. With scrums and project boards, sticky notes have become very important in offices. The Nemonic printer from Mangoslab prints sticky notes so office workers don't have to worry about finding a new package when they are in the midst of a brainstorming session. Notes are printed in seconds without ink. You can also use it to print photos or drawings, which makes it even more handy.



This article was written by Gary Schwind for Small Business Pulse